The First Day
Around 2-3 hours after your tattoo (Or when you get home later), remove the wrap, then clean the tattoo gently and thoroughly with warm water and unscented soap.
Your tattoo may have oozy black plasma and be a bit bloody. This is normal. Ensure the sticky black plasma is all cleaned off, this will scab otherwise and that is what we want to avoid!
Air dry for a minute, or pat dry gently with kitchen roll, then you can apply a thin layer of Palmers Cocoa Butter. This is available in most Pharmacies, Superdrug and Boots for around £4. You can moisturise the tattoo once a day, twice if it feels itchy.
Ensure your hands are always clean when applying the cream.
Slight redness and warmth in the tattoo area is normal, afterwards for a few days, your body is reacting to an attack essentially so be kind with yourself! If you have done a long day then you will be tired. Maybe take some ibuprofen. Eat a big meal and get a good rest. Your body has burnt through a lot of energy whilst being tattooed, so refuel!
Healing Process
You can moisturise the tattoo morning and night for the next 2 weeks, with a small amount of cocoa butter. Do not over moisturise as this stops the skin from being able to breathe easily and can risk damage to the tattoo by not healing well.
Do not wear tight fitting clothing whilst the tattoo is healing, or swim, use a hot tub or submerge the tattoo in the bath. Do not do intense exercise for at least a week after the tattoo.
Please contact me if you have any questions and happy healing!
Touch ups are free should you require one after the tattoo has healed, within 6 months of the initial appointment.

If you are using Second Skin or Dermalize, you can leave this on for up to 5 days. This film helps to heal the tattoo quicker. It will look oozy and a bit squishy under the film, this is normal!
Unless it is squeezing out of the sides, which would open it up and be susceptible to bacteria, please leave it on and alone. After the 5 days, you can pull it away from the skin, downwards, gently, perhaps in the shower so it reduces the irritation.
Then clean it throughly with an unscented soap, let it air dry for a minute or so, or pat it dry gently with a CLEAN towel or kitchen roll and then moisturise with cocoa butter 1-2 times a day.